Specialist High Skills Major Programs in:
Arts & Culture
Health and Wellness - Science & Physical Education
Non-profit French Immersion
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about the program, the benefits and how your child can become involved. The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a specialized program that allows students to focus their learning in the Business sector while meeting the requirements for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. A SHSM enables students to gain sector-specific skills and knowledge in the context of engaging, career-related learning environments. It helps students focus on graduation and the pursuit of post-secondary goals. The program will assist in your child’s transition from secondary school to college, university, apprenticeship training, or the workplace. Some of the benefits from taking an SHSM in any sector include:
• Experience in a range of customized learning opportunities in the sector of interest
• Attainment of several extra training certifications (CPR, First Aid, WHMIS, etc.)
• Co-op placements related to their area of interest
• Opportunities to establish relationships and networks in their field of interest
• Experiential learning in local postsecondary facilities
• Potential for recognition by college and university programs specific to the SHSM sector If your child is interested in participating in this exciting new opportunity.
Your child is invited to fill out the Specialist High Skills Major application form and return it to the school Guidance Office. If you require further information, please contact Ms. Lynne Comartin (Dept. Head of Arts), Mr. Andre Quaglia (Business Dept. Head of Business), Ms. Nicole Weins and Ms. Anessa Cain or the TVA Guidance Department Mrs. Simona Baggio at 519-739-2189, ext. 31708.