Charity is one of the principles for Muslims during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. This year, at Vincent Massey Secondary School the Muslim Student Association got the entire school community involved in its efforts.
Through direct, class-by-class donations and a bake sale, organizers hoped to raise between $18 hundred and $2 thousand (approximately $1 per student). What they accomplished was surprising, but not a shock to Sulayman Syed (pictured, third from left), one of the MSA members, “Our students and teachers are good people, truly motivated to give back to their community.”
And they gave a lot back. On May 17th the Massey MSA turned over a check for $55 hundred to the Windsor Downtown Mission.
This is the first time for this campaign at Massey, but the students are so encouraged by the results that they hope to make it an annual, Ramadan event.