The Greater Essex County District School Board (GECDSB) is committed to providing students with information on the many scholarships and bursaries available. The financial aid provided through these scholarships and bursaries can help make post-secondary education more affordable.
The GECDSB subscribes to The Scholarship Report and The Trades Report. These are online resources with direct links to national and provincial scholarship, bursary and award listings for students pursuing all post-secondary pathways.
Accessing these resources will help students gain practical tips for locating and applying to scholarships. Updated information on the Ontario Student Assistance Plan (OSAP) is included. Scholarships for Black and Indigenous students are also available. Students may see their Guidance Counsellor to obtain the password for the The Scholarship Report and The Trades Report.
GECDSB scholarships and bursaries
The GECDSB Scholarship application is now closed. Please see Local Opportunities for further Scholarships and Bursaries.
Watch the video below to learn how to apply to GEDSB scholarships and bursaries.
Apply for GECDSB scholarships here!
Please see your Guidance Counsellor for help with other scholarships and bursaries.
External scholarships and bursaries
There are a variety of scholarships and bursaries available through local, provincial and national organizations. We encourage all graduating students to review these opportunities and apply if eligible. Some of these scholarships receive few or no applications so be sure to apply if you are eligible.
Local opportunities
Review the following local scholarships and bursaries. These awards are only available for students in the Windsor-Essex region.
Allied Van Lines Scholarship |
At Allied Van Lines, we are committed to improving the future of up and coming logistics and business professionals across Canada and North America.
We believe that education is significant and we place that belief into our core operating philosophy, everything from our standard practices, to our way of living. We are proud to be offering qualifying Canadian students and chance to apply for our new scholarship, which is intended for students across the areas of business, logistics, and similar fields. Four qualified candidates will be selected to receive an award amount of $1,000 each.
Amherstburg Freedom Museum |
The Museum is offering two scholarship opportunities for students of African descent who are currently attending a secondary school in the Essex County region and will be commencing post-secondary studies. For more information about the Mac Simpson Scholarship and the Maturine-Romain Scholarship, please visit Amherstburg Freedom Museum |
Be a Gem Foundation Scholarship |
Review the Be a GEM Foundation Scholarship and learn how to apply. This funding is available to a Grade 12 student who has dedicated time to community services, academic development and leadership. |
Bill Eansor Award – Uwindsor Alumni Association |
Find out how to apply for the Bill Eansor Award. This is given to a first year student entering the University of Windsor who shows leadership and community and school involvement. |
Cambrian College |
Cambrian College is proud to partner with the Schulich Foundation to award Schulich Builders scholarships to students entering our skilled trades and engineering programs this September! The scholarships are valued at up to $40,000 ($20,000 per academic year) and support the cost of tuition, living expenses, and tools.
Ten scholarships are available at Cambrian:
Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association of Windsor |
The Canadian Italian Business and Professional Association of Windsor offers scholarships and bursaries for secondary-school students. |
CAPSLE Scholarship |
The Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education (“CAPSLE”) established a bursary to provide financial assistance to students entering post-secondary Education and/or Law programs. |
ENWIN Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility Scholarship Application Form |
ENWIN Utilities Ltd. (“ENWIN”) believes there is significant value in diversity and is committed to continually enhancing and promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in our organization and in the community we serve. ENWIN is pleased to offer four scholarships towards the recipient’s post-secondary education starting in the Fall 2024 term. Applications will be accepted from any Windsor or Essex County grade 12 student who will be attending any science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (“STEM”) program at any Ontario University or College in September 2024. Each scholarship is in the amount of $1000. Preference will be given to applicants that self-identify as belonging to an equity deserving group, including women, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community, and/or visible or racial minorities, as they are historically underrepresented and disadvantaged in their pursuit of STEM fields of study. The four successful recipients will be awarded the ENWIN Scholarships upon proof of enrollment into a qualifying program at an accredited Ontario university/college and receipt of high school graduation records and other supporting documents.
Please type or print clearly. Provide complete information. Be sure to sign your application. All provided information is confidential and will be used solely to determine a successful applicant.
Fr. Paul McGill CSB Essay Prize |
Assumption University issues the Fr. Paul McGill CSB Essay Prize. Visit Assumption University for more details about the prize and learn how to apply. |
Giovanni Caboto Club Scholarships |
The Giovanni Caboto Club Scholarship is available to members of the club and their children. Contact the club to learn more. |
GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance) Student Scholarships |
If you are graduating and have been an active member of your school’s GSA, you are eligible to apply for a Run for Rocky Scholarship. |
2025 Healthy Democracy Student Leadership Award |
The Healthy Democracy Student Leadership Award, a partnership between the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and OPSBA, is being awarded in the amount of $1,000 to one graduating English public school student in each of OPSBA’s five regions. Scholarship recipients are students with leadership skills and potential, who care deeply about their communities and furthering their own learning. |
Hensall Co-op Bright Futures Scholarships |
Hensall Co-op supports students pursuing studies that will help advance rural communities and economies. If the student is not in an agriculture-based program, they need to demonstrate how their studies will help them advance rural communities and/or economies. Other than ag-science or ag-business, here are some examples of programs that qualify:
Please note: this is not an exhaustive list. Contact them for more information. |
Kent and Essex Mutual Insurance Company Scholarship Program |
Kent & Essex Mutual Insurance Company will be offering five $1,000 scholarships to graduating high school students who will be pursuing a full time post-secondary education at a university or community college in Ontario in any area of study. If you require further information, please feel free to contact [email protected] or 519-352-3190. |
Kiwanis Club of Windsor |
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. This is a 1-year $1000.00 scholarship and there are two recipients. Apply here. |
McDonald's Restaurants in Windsor & Essex Scholarship |
McDonald’s in Windsor & Essex County offers a scholarship opportunity for secondary students who are currently working at McDonald’s and planning to attend college or university. This scholarship is designed to support your post-secondary education. For more information about this beneficial opportunity, please speak with your store manager |
May Fund - Kingsville Music Society 2025 |
The Kingsville Music Society is offering a scholarship to assist students in the continuation of their arts-based studies, including music, graphic design, recording and technology, dance, theatre and performing arts. |
Mucci Farms Grow With Us Scholarship |
Mucci Farms offers the Mucci Farms Grow With Us Scholarship for students planning to dedicate their future career to the agriculture industry. |
OPP Youth Foundation Bursary |
OPP Youth Foundation Bursary offers two bursaries to Windsor-Essex students. Review scholarship eligibility and contact the Essex Region CSO co-ordinator for more information. |
Ontario Secondary School Teacher's Federation Scholarships |
The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF) offers scholarships to children or dependents of current of former OSSTF members in District 9. |
Polonia Centre Academic Awards |
The Polonia Centre Academic Awards encourage and support students of our community in their pursuit of higher education. We are looking for students who have made significant contributions of time and energy to the Polish community and a positive contribution to their school through involvement of extracurricular activities, all while demonstrating a competent level of academic achievement. |
Professional Engineers Ontario Chapter Scholarship (Windsor-Essex Chapter) |
The Professional Engineers Ontario Windsor-Essex Chapter offers three scholarships to post-secondary students. Review the scholarships and learn how to apply. |
Roma Club Scholarships |
The Roma Club in Leamington offers scholarships to members or children of members. Learn more about these scholarships and learn how to apply. |
Romanian Community Scholarship |
The St. George and St. Andrei Seguna Romanian Orthodox Cathedral offers the Romanian Community Scholarship. Romanian Community Scholarship 2024 2502 Cypress Windsor, ON Canada N8P OA7 [email protected] -Scholarship Program Please contact for additional details. |
Motor City Community Credit Union |
Sherron Hogan Memorial Scholarship |
The Windsor Cancer Center Foundation offers the Sherron Hogan Memorial Scholarship to help secondary school graduates who have experienced the impact of cancer and have limited financial resources. This funding to cover the cost of post-secondary studies. |
Siro Martinello Memorial Bursary Fund |
The Siro Martinello Memorial Bursary Fund is awarded annually to an individual entering post-secondary education at the University of Windsor who requires financial assistance. Contact : [email protected] |
St. Clair SHSM Scholarship |
Graduating students who have earned an SHSM credential and are entering their first year of a full-time post-secondary program at St. Clair College can apply for the scholarship here, beginning July 1st. |
The Bridge |
Scholarships Available
For more information, please visit: Scholarship Application - The Bridge Youth |
The Hour-A-Day Study Club Scholarship and Bursaries |
The Hour-A-Day Study Club Scholarship is awarded annually to African Canadian studies with connections to the underground railroad or historic Black communities in Canada and who live in Essex County. |
The Public Property Network Assessment Scholarship – Western Region |
The Ontario Public School Boards' Association offers the Public Property Network Assessment Scholarship to students with strong leadership skills and potential, who care deeply about their communities and furthering their own learning. |
Town of Essex Bursary Student Heritage Preservation |
The Town of Essex and the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee are committed to the pursuit of a higher education around local history and heritage. As a result, a $500 bursary shall be awarded annually commencing in 2022 to a Town of Essex resident pursuing studies in heritage courses at a post-secondary institution in Ontario. The bursary will help finance both undergraduates and post-graduates in the following fields: History, Archaeology, Archives and Records Management and Heritage Resources Management and courses that contribute to the preservation and promotion of local heritage. |
UWindsor SHSM Scholarship |
The University of Windsor offers a scholarship for Specialist High Skills Major graduates. |
Violet Richardson Award |
The Violet Richardson Award recognizes a young community member for their volunteer services and commitment to the community. |
WindsorEssex Community Foundation |
WECF offers several awards for graduating students in Windsor-Essex.
Scholarships Available:
Windsor Minor Football Association |
The Windsor Minor Football Association offers a scholarship to current or former players that are entering a post-secondary institution. |
Provincial and national opportunities
Review the following provincial and national scholarships and bursaries and learn how to apply.
AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program |
The AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program is awarded by Crohn's and Colitis Canada to a student attending a Canadian post-secondary institution and who is diagnosed with Crohn's disease or colitis. |
Aboriginal Student Awards Program |
The Aboriginal Student Awards Program is awarded by the Royal Bank of Canada to help Aboriginal Canadians attend or apply to post-secondary programs in Canada in any discipline relevant to the banking industry. |
Aircraft Electronics Association Educational Foundation Scholarship Program |
Check out the Aircraft Electronics Association Educational Foundation Scholarship Program to find out about a variety of scholarship for students seeking careers in aircraft electronics and aviation maintenance. |
Allied Van Lines |
Check out Allied Van Lines for scholarships supporting students heading into Logistics and related pathways. |
Automotive Industries Association Scholarships |
Review a variety of scholarship opportunities for those looking to work in the automotive aftermarket industry. These scholarships are provided by the AIA High Fives for Kids Foundation. |
Autism Ontario Scholarships |
Review scholarships provided by Autism Ontario. |
Black Business and Professional Association scholarships |
The Black Business and Professional Association offers a variety of scholarships to help cover the costs of post-secondary education. Review the scholarships and learn how to apply. |
Burger King Scholars Program |
The Burger King Scholars Program provides funding to Burger King employees who are attending post-secondary education. |
Canadian Aboriginal Writing and Arts Challenge |
The Canadian Aboriginal Writing and Arts Challenge awards funding to an indigenous artist or writer. |
Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation |
The Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation offers funding to women in engineering. Review each scholarship and find out how to apply. |
Chinese Professional Association of Canada, CPAC Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries |
The Chinese Professional Association of Canada provides scholarships to secondary and post-secondary students with demonstrated academic achievements. Learn how to apply. |
CNIB Scholarships |
The Canadian National Institute of the Blind offers a variety of scholarships for student pursuing post-secondary education. Review each award and learn how to apply. |
CodeWizardsHQ Scholarship |
Name: CodeWizardsHQ Educational Scholarship Amount: $2,500 Website: CodeWizard Deadline: May 1, 2023 Eligibility requirements: High school seniors and incoming college students, 3.5 GPA or higher, priority to STEM program applicants Application requirements: Students will need to submit proof of eligibility (FAFSA, proof of income, or tax return), a recommendation letter, a 600-word statement of purpose, a resume, and an unofficial transcript. Option to submit a 2-minute video. Contact information: Margaret Choi, [email protected] About: CodeWizardsHQ offers live, online coding classes for kids that are taught by developers with tech industry experience who use structured, comprehensive curriculums to help kids master programming skills in a fun, exploratory environment. The CodeWizardsHQ team pairs real-world coding tools with their proprietary coding platform and experienced teachers to make it enjoyable for ages 8-18 to learn. |
Diabetes Hope Foundation |
The Diabetes Hope Foundation offers scholarships and funding for students living with diabetes in Canada. |
E. Bruce Hendrick (Dr.) Scholarship Program |
The E. Bruce Hendrick Scholarship Program is available to individuals with hydrocephalus or spina bifida in Canada. |
Educational Computing Organizing of Ontario Awards |
The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario offers a variety of scholarships and awards to students pursuing education in computing. |
Electronic Recycling Association Scholarship |
The ERA is a non-profit organization focused on reducing the negative impact e-waste has on the environment through the refurbishment and reuse of IT-related devices. The ERA is offering a $1 Million and a $100K Dollars ERA Scholarship that runs from January 1st, 2023 to September 1st, 2023. For more information about the competition please click here. If you have any questions about the ERA 2023 Scholarship Competition, please feel free to call: 416-477-0664. |
Execulink Telecom Scholarship |
Execulink Telecom offers a variety of scholarships for students and volunteers in local communities to help cover the costs of post-secondary education. |
Federated Women's Institute of Ontario |
The Federated Women's Institute of Ontario offers scholarships and awards to women who are pursuing post-secondary education and who demonstrate academic success. |
Fraser Institute Student Essay Contest |
The Fraser Institute holds an essay contests that provides cash prizes to the winners. Learn more about the essay contest and learn how to enter. |
Girl Guides of Canada Scholarship Program |
Review the scholarships and awards offered through Girl Guides of Canada. You need to be a Girl Guide to apply. |
Horatio Alger Scholarship Program |
The Horatio Alger Association of Canada offers scholarships to students with financial needs in all provinces across Canada. |
Indspire |
Indspire offers scholarships, bursaries and awards to First Nations, Inuit and Metis students. |
Innovation in Education Scholarship |
LA Tutors awards students who showcase their creativity and make positive impacts with a $500 Innovation in Education scholarship. On an ongoing monthly basis, this scholarship is open to all currently enrolled high school, college, and graduate students who showcase their creativity while helping those around them (whether that be in a creative fundraiser, an inventive new app, series of blog posts on a particular theme, or another idea). |
James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Award |
The James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Award is given to six Indigenous students who demonstrate excellent creative writing. |
James Lee Foundation Scholarship |
The James Lee Foundation Scholarship is awarded to an emerging writing looking to enter the advertising business in Canada. |
James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship |
The James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship provides funding opportunities to dependents of Teamster members. |
Johnson Insurance Scholarship Fund |
Johnson Insurance offers a variety of scholarships to students in post-secondary school. They will evaluate academic achievement and volunteerism. |
Kay Sanson Scholarship |
The Ontario Association on Developmental Disabilities offers the Kay Sanson Scholarship to students with an interest in developmental disabilities. |
Kelman Scholarship |
The Water Environment Association of Ontario awards the Kelman Scholarship to a Grade 12 student enrolled in post-secondary studies with an interest in protecting the water environment. |
Kin Canada Bursaries |
Kin Canada offers bursaries for students who are graduating from secondary school and entering a post-secondary program. |
Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario |
The Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario offers a variety of scholarships for students with learning disabilities attending post-secondary school. |
Learn with Lerners Bursaries and Mentorships |
Learn more about how Lerners is addressing the systemic barriers experienced early on by racialized individuals in the legal services industry. Click here for details on bursaries and mentorships. |
LORAN Award |
The LORAN Scholars Foundation offers awards to invest in the future of young individuals who are going to be future leaders in their communities. |
Luke Santi Memorial Award for Student Achievement |
The Premiere Institute offers the Luke Santi Memorial Award for Student Achievement to students who show academic achievement and in interest in science and extra-curricular. |
MADD Canada Bursary |
Mothers Against Drunk Driving offers a bursary to students who have been seriously injured or had a family member killed because of drunk driving. |
Meridian's Commitment to Communities Sean Jackson Scholarship |
The Sean Jackson Scholarship presented by Meridian focuses on students who show an outstanding commitment to their communities. |
Mid-Western Ontario Horseman's Society Youth Scholarship |
The Mid-Western Ontario Horseman's Society awards a scholarship to students entering post-secondary education. |
Municipal Engineers Association Bursary |
The Municipal Engineering Association offers a bursary to dependents of full-time municipal employees in Ontario. |
Muslim Association of Canada |
The Muslim Association of Canada recognizes post-secondary students in all aspects of life including academics, community and extra-curriculars. |
myBlueprint – Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation |
myBlueprint offers a variety of scholarships and bursaries to Canadian students pursuing a post-secondary education. |
NUPGE scholarships and awards |
The National Union of Public and General Employees provides a variety of scholarship and awards to dependents of NUPGE members. |
Nutrien Indigenous Youth Financial Management Awards |
The Youth Awards – Aboriginal Financia Officers Association Canada recognizes students with Indigenous ancestry pursuing post-secondary education related to finance, management, commerce or similar field. |
OBCL Epilepsy Scholarship Awards |
Osler Business Consulting Ldt. offers an Epilepsy Scholarship for a student living with epilepsy who is entering a post-secondary program. |
OFSSA Scholarships |
OFSSA provides a variety of scholarships to student athletes to help provide financial assistance in post-secondary school. |
OJEN Scholarships |
Learn more about OJEN bursaries for students pursuing a career in the justice sector. |
Ontario Federation of Agriculture |
Ontario Federation of Agriculture offers scholarships to students entering post-secondary education in agricultural studies. |
Ontario Harness Horse Association |
The Ontario Harness Horse Association is awarded to dependents of OHHA members who are attending post-secondary school. |
Ontario Horticultural Trades Foundation Scholarship |
The Ontario Horticultural Trades Foundation awards a scholarship to a student entering a horticultural program. |
Ontario Knights of Columbus Bursary Program |
Ontario Knights of Columbus offers funding to members or descendants of members who are entering post-secondary school. |
Ontario Parks Association Scholarships and Bursaries |
The Ontario Parks Association offers scholarships and bursaries to students who are pursuing education in parks, horticulture, conservation or landscaping. |
Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan Bursary |
The Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan Bursary offers funding to students in post-secondary school who are members of OTIPB or who are children or dependents of members. |
Office and Professional Employees International Union scholarships |
OPEIU offers a variety of scholarships to members. Review each scholarship and learn how to apply. |
OPSEU Scholarships |
OPSEU offers a variety of scholarship opportunities for students registered in post-secondary programs in Ontario. Review each scholarship and the eligibility requirements. |
OSSTF Family Bursary |
The Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Foundation offers a variety of scholarships and bursaries for both members and non-members. |
Photographic Historical Society of Canada Annual Research Award |
The Photographic Historical Society of Canada issues a variety of awards to members who show outstanding research or work in photography. | & SEI Content Marketing Scholarship | issues a scholarship to emerging marketing professionals. |
RBC Royal Bank Scholarship for undergraduates |
The Royal Bank of Canada gives out a variety of scholarships for undergraduate students. These scholarships place a focus on diversity and inclusion to help provide everyone opportunities. |
Retail as a Career Scholarship Program |
The Retail Council of Canada offers a scholarship to secondary-school students working in retail who are interested in a career in retail. |
Schulich Leadership Scholarship |
The Schulich Leadership Scholarship awards funding to post-secondary students in science, technology, engineering and math programs. |
Skills Canada – Ontario Scholarship |
Skills Canada provides a variety of scholarships to students pursuing education and apprenticeships in skilled trades. |
Softball Canada awards |
Softball Canada issues a variety of awards to softball players and officials to help with post-secondary education. Review each of the awards and learn how to apply:
SPIROL Scholarship |
The SPIROL Scholarship supports students pursuing a degree in Engineering, Basic Sciences or Manufacturing Technology. |
Storwell's Self Storage Foster Children Bursary Program |
Storwell's Self Storage Foster Children Bursary Program helps foster children attend post-secondary school. |
Stuck at Prom Contest |
The Stuck at Prom Contest is awarded by Duck tape to the students with the most creative outfits for prom that are made of Duck tape. Learn how to enter. |
Teachers Life Awards |
The Teachers' Life award is given to a dependent of a Teachers' Life policy holder who is attending post-secondary school. |
Terry Fox Humanitarian Award Program |
The Terry Fox Humanitarian Award is presented to a university student who exemplifies the humanitarian ideals of Terry Fox by volunteering to give back to their communities. |
The Arthur Paulin Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship |
The Arthur Paulin Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship is given by the Automotive Industry Associations of Canada to a student pursuing a career related to the automotive industry. |
The Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers National Scholarship Program |
The Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers has a national scholarship program that is awarded to a student with strong academic achievements. |
The Lincoln M. Alexander Awards Program (Student Award/Community Award) |
The Lincoln M. Alexander Award is given to students who show strong leadership around ending racial discrimination. |
The Ontario Hockey Federation Scholarship |
The Ontario Hockey Federation provides funding to individuals who belong to the Ontario Hockey Federation and who are attending post-secondary school. |
The Ontario Knights of Columbus Bursary Program |
The Ontario Knights of Columbus Bursary Program is available to assist students entering college or university in Ontario who are members of the Ontario Knights of Columbus. |
The Retired Teachers of Ontario Scholarship |
The Retired Teachers of Ontario Scholarship is available post-secondary students enrolled in programs or careers that will benefit retired Ontario teachers. |
The Worker's Health and Safety Centres Scholarship and Bursary |
The Worker's Health and Safety Centre offers scholarships and bursaries to post-secondary students for essay writing or entering a program that focuses on labour studies. |
Tim Horton's Scholarship Program |
Tim Horton's offers scholarship to post-secondary students who work at Tim Horton's. Talk with your store manager to learn more. |
Unifor Bursaries |
Unifor provides scholarships and bursaries to help cover the cost of post-secondary education. You need to be a dependent of a Unifor member to qualify. |
Union Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Bates Scholarship |
The Union Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers offer the Bates Scholarship for post-secondary students. You need to be a dependent of a BAC member to qualify. |
Wado-Kai Student Development Fund |
The Wado-Kai Student Development Fund gives out awards to students entering post-secondary education and are members of the Shintani Wada Kai Karate Federation. |
Weston Youth Innovation Award |
The Ontario Science Centre gives out the Weston Youth Innovation Award to youth between the ages of 14 and 18 who use science and technology to create innovative ideas. |
Whipper Billy Watson Education Bursary |
The Whipper Billy Watson Education Bursary is for a student with a physical disability entering college or university in Ontario. |
Wize Scholarships |
Wize offers a variety of scholarships for students in Canada who are attending post-secondary school. |
Financial aid resources
Check out these resources to get access to financial aid for attending college or university in Ontario: