Does every school offer before and after child care? |
The GECDSB offers licensed child care in almost every school for a list of school providers. If child care is not an option at the home school, please connect with the school administrator to help you find a child care program that will best meet your needs. |
Can I go to another school for child care, or do I have to stay within my home school? |
If child care is not an option at the home school, we have made accommodations to accept ‘out of area’ students, with the understanding that it will only be approved on a case-by-case basis. As enrollment numbers cannot be guaranteed on an annual basis, families that live within the immediate area must be accommodated first before approving ‘out of area’ students. In any case, we will work with you to ensure you are supported. We recommend registering early whenever possible as nearly all child care facilities have/are experiencing ‘wait lists.’ To put your name on a wait list, click on this City of Windsor Child Care Wait List. Child Care Subsidy – do I qualify? |
How do I register my child for before and after child care? |
Please see our Child Care Websitefor more information on available early years programs by school. Registration, fees, and availability of programs is managed by each GECDSB child care partner. |
What are the costs for before/after care? |
The registration, availability, fee rates, and programming details are all managed by the GECDSB child care partner. Please contact a partner directly to discuss this information. Please see our Child Care Website to find a program that may meet your family’s needs |
Are meals provided within child care programs? |
Before and after school programs provide nutritious morning and afternoon snacks that are reflective of Canada’s Food Guide and often approved by a licensed dietitian. Please speak directly to the before and after care provider at your school to discuss their specific programming and timing of the programming, which includes any nutrition offerings. |
Are there accommodations provided for diverse meal preferences? |
GECDSB child care partners will accommodate food allergies and restrictions for children enrolled within their programs and will work with the family to ensure that all accommodations have been provided. Please contact the child care partner for specific details on nutrition offerings. |
Are there supports in before and after care programs for children with special needs? |
Licensed child care operators work in partnership with Children First (CF) services who work directly with school educators to support equity and inclusion of all children. Please see the GECDSB website – Registering Your Child with Special Needsto further support your child’s transition into Kindergarten. |
Are families required to register their child for before/after care each school year? |
Once a family has been enrolled with a child care program, they will not be required to re-register each year. Families will typically be asked near the end of the school year if they will once again require a space the following year. Families who are already registered with the program will be prioritized for enrollment. For additional information on the registration process, please contact the child care partner assigned to your home school. To discuss registration, program fees, and nutrition offerings, please contact the child care partner that is located within your home school or visit their website and they will be able to answer your questions directly. |